July 29th, 2006
I guess I better go out and get myself a copy of “The Long Tail” by Chris Anderson, before they’re all gone.
Found this via Chris Thilk: Day of the Longtail Trailer.
Here it is, in all its YouTube glory:
Later: What the deuce?? It seems I’m having a little trouble embedding a YouTube video here…Instead, here’s a link while I work out the problem.
July 29th, 2006
Actually, I’ve never been internet famous. Not unless you count the small gaggle (I think we’re between a gaggle and a horde, at present) of you, faithful readers.
But plenty of people are using social media tools to become quite famous, indeed. From the Wall Street Journal (no sense giving you a link…a story about bloggers that isn’t free!) via Steve Rubel: the Social Media Power Players.
More on that: My good mate and designer Rob (a world trekker in his own right) is just “chuffed” with Matt Harding, bottom left in the image (see Steve’s post). Click to read Rob’s post, where you can watch Matt dance badly in several countries.
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July 28th, 2006
This exciting new world of Viral (capital V for Mack) marketing, where everybody has a voice, means that business people must remember that technology has made it a lot easier for people to tell ten friends when they are NOT happy with you, too.
From the Church of the Customer Blog: A TV reporter from Tampa, FL is so miffed with his plumber that he posted about it on his blog, and again on Craigslist. Word is spreading, and now when you do a Google Search for Chris’s (sic) Plumbing Service, right close to the top of the results you see his warning about them, on Craigslist. In fact, it’s six results higher than Chris’ own site.
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