Australia Loses a Hero
September 6th, 2006Contrary to popular belief, Australians don’t really like Foster’s Lager. In fact, many are quite embarassed by it, really. Instead, they claim Victoria Bitter as the official suds of the Land Down Under. (side note: VB as it is known, is brewed by the Foster’s Group)
One thing they all seem to agree on too, is that they love Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. He died suddenly while shooting a segment for his daughter’s show, of all things, and now Australia mourns one of its biggest iconic heroes.
(Irwin with daughter Bindi)
I point you to the blogs of Rob and Megan, two Australian friends who both pay tribute to the already legendary Irwin. His legacy will no doubt be continued in the form of his incredible catalogue of footage with some of the world’s deadliest creatures, in his beloved Australia Zoo, and by his wife Terri, daughter Bindi and his son Bob.
“The Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin, dead at the age of 44.
Update: has a video and photo tribute to Irwin’s career.
tags: steveirwin crocodilehunter