
A Quick Note for RSS Subscribers

September 12th, 2006

You may have already noticed that my feed now comes with the latest photos that I have uploaded to my flickr account.

So, if you haven’t already subscribed to the feed then now’s the time, or you’ll never know what you’re missing!

Tracking Your Online Buzz 101

September 11th, 2006

I found a great post today via Steve Rubel, at a site called Apples to Oranges.

It lays out all of the best tools for tracking your online buzz. I’ve been asked about this quite a bit, so it’s nice to see a definitive list of tools that can give you a barometer of what’s being said about you online.

It’s a good list, and I was especially excited to discover It gives you a total of your website address’ incoming links, and displays it as an overall score. The score for my site is a measly 75, all of the “points” coming from Google and Technorati.

Have a look at the list, and pick your favorite. One thing the post doesn’t mention that I’d like to add is using Google News Alerts to track the mentions of you or your company in the more “traditional” news sources and static sites.

Try them out, and have fun!

Update: Kris dropped by in the comments and proceeded to give me link envy. So in an attempt to save face, I went back and checked the socialmeter score for my old blog. It’s score of 124 means that when you add them both together, I’ve still got a hot cup of jack squat
So let’s make it a game, commenters: What’s your socialmeter score?

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?

September 7th, 2006

This is not a book review, nor is it streams of wisdom from the book whose title is featured in this headline, so if that’s what you came here for, my apologies.

I just wanted to announce that I’ve just bought the book (Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? Persuading Customers When they Ignore Marketing) today, and I was quite pleased to find that it came with an 80 minute video seminar on CD, and a $50 credit for Yahoo Search Marketing! I paid less than half of that in CDN funds for the book!

I have read and gleaned a truckload of wisdom from the Eisenberg’s previous two books, Persuasive Online Copywriting and Call to Action, so I think I can confidently say that the value in this package is incredible. It was certainly enough for me to rush home and want to tell ten friends.

Side Bar: According to our Feedburner stats, a record number of subscribers pulled our feed down yesterday, and without giving too much away, I think it’s safe to say I’m now telling an order of magnitude greater than just ten friends about this exciting book.

Quick tip: If you want to learn more about the Eisenberg’s methods, check out A Day in the Life of a Persuasion Architect, a blog written by staff of Future Now Inc, their company. If you want to put those methods into practice, either the Eisenbergs or of course myself would be happy to help.

I’m not the fastest reader of the printed word these days (too many feeds to stay current on, that’s my excuse) but once I’ve turned the last page of this beauty I will give it a thorough review here, and if its suitable, feature it my recommended reading links. New-media junkie that i am, I might just sit down with the laptop and watch that video seminar first…