October 21st, 2006
Rob has made some upgrades to the blog, and I want everyone to check it out, so if you’re reading this in a feeder, please click through. Please?
Okay, thanks for that. Here’s the list of changes:
- Each post now has a spot where you can rate it, above. If you’re so inclined, feel free to search through my archives and rate your favorite posts.
- Also above you’ll notice the “email this post” to a friend link. How a blog called ‘Tell Ten Friends’ ever got along without that one before, I just can’t figure.
- We’re also wearing our stats on our sleeves, so to speak, as each post also has a snapshot of most popular items, and:
- You’ll notice in the sidebar (of the homepage), I’m now dislaying the number of readers that my feed is pulled down by each day. I consider each and every one of you a friend.

Obviosuly, I’m anxious to see those numbers climb, so search through, find your faves and vote, or be brutally honest and tell me when I’ve missed the mark with a scathing ‘one star’ rating if that’s how you play. These tools are here for you, and they’ll help me to deliver more of what you love, in the same casual, no-bullshit style that I can’t help but emit.
Thank you all very much for reading. Now don’t be strangers, let’s hear from you in the comments! Also, if you’re a newsletter subscriber, I promise…PROMISE…that the newest issue is coming soon.
October 19th, 2006
Found on Youtube: A hilarious take on web 2.0, compliments of thefirstpost.co.uk.
Love the stop-motion animation technique, and the spam folder almost made me split a gut!
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October 19th, 2006
Just a quick “what’s up” post, as I am still buried under a large amount of copywriting work. The rest of my web copy series is still jostling around in my skull, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, a bit of Tell Ten Friends news. Rob, who you likely know by now is our graphic designer, coder, and photographer, is having a busy week. His site crashed earlier this week, and as he says in a post today, it was a result of a spike in traffic from Netvibes after they discovered his great step-by-step Netvibes tutorial. It sucks when a site crashes from traffic, but there are bragging rights involved too, I suppose.
Also, earlier this week he pointed me to the new Sony Bravia ad, a great follow-up to the “bouncy balls” ad from earlier this year. These guys have got one thing figured out; that the process of making these ads is just as exciting as the ads themselves, and therefore they have a much better chance of going viral (anybody else starting to choke on that word?) getting passed around on the in-ter-nets. The first thing you ask when you see the new ad is “What about the cleanup?” Well, they’re smart enough to answer that question for you. Follow the links through Rob’s post and watch it for yourself. It’s worth two minutes of your day. -Unless you’re on dial-up 
Lastly, today I was featured in a short article in the Lifestyles section of the Vancouver Province (a very large daily here in town) and although they didn’t run my web address (Aaaargh!) they do have a very large of photo of my goofy grin, and few quips from me about “why I like Fall.”

(photo by Sam Leung. Click the image to see full size on flickr)
Not sure how long the link will last, but here you go.