
Archive for the 'Random' Category

Be the Reds

Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

In the Vancouver Province newspaper on Sunday, there was a story about a guy who auctioned off his support for a World Cup team on eBay. For $15 hard-earned dollars, a group of his co-workers bought his support, for their beloved Serbia (and Montenegro).

Over at Adcouver, Ryan explains in a very meaningful and heart-felt post why he’s a South Korea fan. If you’ve already seen pictures of my wife and I, then you might be able to guess why I too am a Korea fan. Ryan’s experience was a unique one, being a tall, white foreigner caught up in one of the most powerful moments of national pride and unity that we may see in our lifetimes. While he was partying it up on the streets of Seoul, I was in Victoria, falling in love with all things Korean; their underdog-made-good-team-of-heroes soccer team, and of course the woman who would soon become my wife.

(image: Me in my “Be The Reds!” t-shirt my brother-in-law brought me from Korea)

To get an idea what things were like over here for me while he was there, trade the millions of fans in the streets for smaller, equally patriotic and exuberant groups of Korean fans partying in the streets of sleepy Victoria, BC. Add to that the massive swell of “bandwagon jumpers” (like myself) who watched closely while Korea became the new darlings of the sport; as famous for their teamwork and fast feet as for the massive seas of red shirts in the stands at every game.

This time the games are being played in Germany. If you were lucky enough to catch Korea’s 2-1 win over Togo yesterday, then you already know that geography is of little consequence; the Red Devils are still out in full force, outnumbering alternatively colored shirts (Togo fans?) by more than two-to-one, and they never stop chanting and cheering.

Ryan and I may not look at all like them, but we too want to see Korea advance to the semi-finals again this year. Who knows, maybe this time they’ll surprise us again, and go on another storied run.


Sure is good to be home

Friday, June 9th, 2006

Well, here we are at our new home, at the new-and-improved The site was designed by the incredibly talented Rob Masefield, Web Developer, Designer and Photographer.

We were looking for a very distinctive “Web 2.0” look and feel, and Rob has done a fine job of conveying that image, if I do say so myself. Perhaps the best part about the new site is that it is loaded with options. For instance, RSS pros will notice that each post (at its individual url) has icons for almost any program that you use; making subscription, trackbacks, digging, monitoring comments (and a bunch of stuff I don’t even understand) all possible with the click of a button.

I must ask a favor however; as the Designer himself has departed on a tour of our fine country, it would be great if you could leave a quick comment about the new digs; so I can verify the feed has switched over properly (subscribers, this means you) and that comments are indeed working.

If it all works out, I will respond quite excitedly in the comments myself.
Cheers, all. Hope you like the new-look Tell Ten Friends!

Update: The urls of the pages on the site are still defaulting to the test server. I’m trying to work it out.

if I catch a fish…

Thursday, June 1st, 2006

I’ll post a picture of it, I promise.

I’m taking a much needed break this weekend (starting this afternoon!) to go fishing with my dad, my father-in-law and my uncle Don.

The weather is supposed to be “iffy,” so say a prayer for sunshine. If you’re jealous, don’t be. You too can charter the Amber Spirit for a weekend of sport fishing in Desolation Sound. Just call my aunt Christine and book your adventure.

Cheers, all. Back early next week with more hot air on the subject of marketing.