
Meet Sigrid the Intern

Tell Ten Friends has its first “employee,” not counting Rob, who is his own man, and is more the boss of me than the other way around.

Meet Sigrid the Intern, who joined Tell Ten Friends yesterday evening and is already putting her time in. She was already a blogger, on both Friendster and MySpace, and now has her own home (mandated by me) on WordPress as well. And a snappy new email address:

It would sure be encouraging for this energetic, young and underpaid new marketing intern if you drop by her new blog to say a quick hello. Maybe even subscribe (the feedburner feed is still coming, so watch for that announcement) to find out what she’s up to, and what she learns along the way.

Now, I must send her a handful of ebooks to catch her up on what we’re up to here at Tell Ten Friends.

Welcome Sigrid, and big thanks to my wife Alex for finding me an intern who works through the night!



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3 Responses to “Meet Sigrid the Intern”

  1. CategoriesJ.D. says:

    My, my, already employing interns! You’re on your way now :)

  2. CategoriesJordan says:

    Exciting, huh? It’s all uphill from here…

  3. CategoriesAndrea Weckerle says:

    Interesting that you require that she have a blog. It is so she has first-hand, personal knowledge of the this marketing/social media tool?