Come and Join Us for a Chat
We’re in here having a great chat, and we want you to join us.
You see, now you are not just welcome to join us for lively conversation here on the blog, but now we can get a little more interactive, in the brand-spanking-new Tell Ten Friends Forum. A truly “2.0 enabled” chit-chat spot. Check out the separate RSS feeds for individual topics and threads. Oooh! Aaah! Marvel at the cleanliness of the design; the ease of use.
Why a forum? Because sometimes, blog posts are too one-way, even with comments enabled. Not only that, but this way our questions and discussions can be discussed within a community, effectively “crowd-sourcing” for a more cohesive, collective uber-answer. Or something like that.
I’m creating two “topics” to kick things off; more on that in a bit. First, I have pay special thanks to the Architect of this new, fully-functioning fantastic forum. For real.
Rob Masefield, our Creative Consultant here at TTF, built it for us to show off his talents. If you haven’t done so for a while, have another poke around our site, and then check out his own blog and portfolio while you’re at it. Both are excellent examples of sites with WordPress built in; something of a specialty of ours, thanks to Rob’s considerable talents.

I used to think that he was a rare commodity in the fact that he could design incredibly well and manage code intuitively too. Now, I’m beginning to think they broke the mold. And I’m not just saying that because he built me such a stunning new forum.
Please, pop in for a chat. Just click through to register, log in and start posting! Two topics to get us started:
- How do you generate coverage and word of mouth for a non-profit horse show event, with no budget?
- From Digg: Should MySpace allow parents to download a special spyware to monitor their kids activity on the site?
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