
Archive for October, 2006

Tell Your Newbie Friends about RSS

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

Here it is folks, the definitive guide to RSS for beginners:

My good (Australian) friend, and the designer behind this site (and every last scratch of our stunning client work here at Tell Ten Friends) Rob Masefield has just published an incredible tutorial on how to set up a home page, complete with your own favorite RSS feeds:

He takes a very patient step-by-step approach, without getting too complex, and even provides a bit of anecdotal “what is RSS” stuff, in case you don’t know a feed from a chain email. (yuck)*

My advice: follow the links from his post to the tutorial, and skip through most of the stuff on the second tab of the tutorial about tabs, until you’ve got your first tab full of goodies (skip to the third tab once you’ve named your page, but you’ll need that tab info later).

This is great stuff, folks. You can unlock the secret behind the RSS feed, and open a new world of fast browsing, the news you want, and content that is controlled by you. Like a living, ever-changing subscription to every magazine and news source you ever wanted, all on your home page, and just a click away.
P.S. don’t forget to add: on your first tab! (Always ask for the business, right?)

*If you’re already familiar with RSS feeds, and you’re still reading this, then God bless you. Please pass the word along and open a friend’s eyes to the world of RSS feeds, and for good measure while you’re at it, make sure they subscribe to your blog.

Great Ads for Your Viewing Pleasure

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

These are all quite funny, especially when you see them all at once like this. Plus, it has been a really long time since I featured advertising in a post, and I still love a good display ad.

Thanks to Clay of exitcreative for the link and shots:


You almost get the feeling that all of the creatives behind these ads got together for a beer one day…