
The Day of the Long Tail

I guess I better go out and get myself a copy of “The Long Tail” by Chris Anderson, before they’re all gone.

Found this via Chris Thilk: Day of the Longtail Trailer.

Here it is, in all its YouTube glory:

Later: What the deuce?? It seems I’m having a little trouble embedding a YouTube video here…Instead, here’s a link while I work out the problem.



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5 Responses to “The Day of the Long Tail”

  1. CategoriesSusan Jones says:

    Plan on picking up a copy myself!
    I wouldn’t have a sniff about it if it weren’t for this blog,
    for your suggestion, so THANK YOU!

  2. CategoriesChris Thilk says:

    You really should read it. I’m recommending it to everyone who doesn’t run away from me first. Once you do you’ll see what he means when he says, “You begin to see Long Tails everywhere.” Great stuff.

  3. CategoriesJordan says:

    I’ll be picking it up, for sure. As it is, I’m throwing around that term like I own it, and I have yet to even read the book.

    I’m just getting to the end of “Naked Conversations” by Scoble and Israel, so Long Tail will have to be the next on my list.

  4. CategoriesCK says:

    You’ll get through LTail fast; Anderson presents a lot of info. but in a sensitive, organized manner…you’re through 5 chapters before you look up. Worth checking out his blog too ( And you can always check out the original Long Tail article from Wired from a year or so ago (just google it).

    I’ll have 2 more to recommend but they won’t be published ’til Spring.
    Happy reading.

  5. CategoriesSusan Jones says:

    do you?