
My New Online Community: MyBlogLog

I joined MyBlogLog today, and I like it already. It’s easy to add the rest of your online communitites to your profile, most with just your username, and automatically adds your various other frequently visited sites and communities. Seems like a great way to stay in touch with other online networkers. Plus the comment feature is more user-friendly than most that I’ve seen elsewhere.

Visit me on MyBlogLog, and add me as a contact.

Update: Reading this back, it doesn’t sound authentic. I am not affiliated with MyBlogLog in any way, I just thought the overall user experience was quite agreeable, and worth passing along.



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4 Responses to “My New Online Community: MyBlogLog”

  1. CategoriesScott Rafer says:

    Yup, you are unaffiliated, but thanks for your support!

  2. CategoriesMike Sansone says:

    …and thanks for telling your friends:-)

  3. CategoriesJordan says:

    I could swear you were on there before I was, Mike…

  4. CategoriesTell Ten Friends» Blog Archive » Yahoo Buys MyBlogLog and Stays Cool says:

    […] I first mentioned MyBlogLog a few months back, and since then I’ve started to make use of the widgets, stats counters and even messaging that it offers. Fellow blogloggers, hello! For fun, why not click through to the site to have a look at your own smiling avatar in the sidebar? I love that feature, it reminds me of some of the cool people that come by to have a read, and it makes me feel happy. No, really. And if it sounds like I’m gushing over MBL, it’s because I am. I like it, almost as much as my brother likes MySpace. But not quite . […]